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  • FS25 SU Nancy Cantor Warehouse

    Save the Date!

    FS25 Confer­ence - Syra­cuse, NY
    June 26 – 282025

    You Are Here: Makers, Place, and Impact“
    Explor­ing the inter­sec­tion of indi­vid­u­als, their creative endeav­ors, and the places that shape them.

    Stay tuned as we roll out more infor­ma­tion about the confer­ence:

    Call for propos­als
    Members exhi­bi­tion
    Profes­sional devel­op­ment
    And more!

    Learn More
  • 2024 Annual Appeal Collage 3

    Help Us Build Your Community!

    Empow­er­ing the Future of Furniture Making!

    As a member of this orga­ni­za­tion, I have a strong desire to build up a commu­nity through programs and advo­cacy, to increase oppor­tu­ni­ties and find other people in a similar career and path, and to work collec­tively to build a world where there are more oppor­tu­ni­ties for furni­ture makers.’

    -Response to the TFS strate­gic planning survey

  • Downtown Syracuse

    We want to hear from you!

    Your Input Can Make A Differ­ence!

    Help us shape the program­ming and events that will take place at next year’s confer­ence in Syra­cuse, NY.

    Please fill out this confer­ence survey by Friday Novem­ber 15, 2024

    Thank you!

  • Furniture Poverty Table

    Featured Member

    Each month we cele­brate the work of one or more of our talented members.

    This week’s featured member — Mia Freer

    Novem­ber 11 – 242024

    Mia Freer is an indus­trial designer and craftsper­son. Her work focuses on reduc­ing the effects of Furni­ture Poverty and its impact on the Cleveland community.

    Learn More
  • Calendar Image 1

    Community Calendar

    Check out events, appli­ca­tion dead­lines, grant oppor­tu­ni­ties and more!

    Learn More
  • Peters Valley Wood Studio

    So Many Opportunities!

    Check out our oppor­tu­ni­ties page for the most current list of classes, work­shops, and jobs avail­able to you.

  • Asheville River Arts Hurricane

    Hurricane Relief Resources

    The Furni­ture Society is devas­tated to see our commu­nity of friends, family, and colleagues suffer­ing the profound effects of the hurri­cane. We have put together a list of resources for those who want to support through dona­tions, and resources for those that have been affected and in need. We will contin­u­ally update and share.

Our Mission

To advance the art of furni­ture making by inspir­ing creativ­ity, promot­ing excel­lence, and foster­ing an under­stand­ing of this art and its place in society. 

Our vision is to culti­vate a diverse commu­nity and conver­sa­tion around furni­ture in all its forms.

November 11 – 242024

Featured Member: Mia Freer

Mia Freer is an indus­trial designer and craftsper­son. Her recent projects include 3D printed, renter-friendly wall lights and sustain­able home goods and a 18-hole mid-century modern mini golf course.

She grad­u­ated from Cleve­land Insti­tute of Art in 2022, with a senior thesis that focused on reduc­ing the effects of Furni­ture Poverty and its impact on the Cleve­land commu­nity through the design of flat-pack furni­ture utiliz­ing sustain­able CNC machin­ing processes and a one-for-one busi­ness model that would connect people living in furni­ture poverty with furni­ture in Cleveland.


Become a Member

With access to members-only sections of our website, discounts on work­shops, members-only events and much more, becom­ing a member is both a strate­gic and finan­cial value. Follow the link below about the bene­fits of each type of member­ship and why you should join.